Thursday, January 28, 2010

February 2010 Class Schedule...

OK, we finished the majority of the February class schedule. I was going to bring it home tonight and post it... It is still on the counter at the store...
If you have any questions about what classes there are before I get back to work (Monday), give the store a call and the calendar worksheet is on the back counter. We can sign you up on that and it will be transferred to the class book when we fill that out.
I will post it here Monday... as well as on our Facebook page.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A nice surprize

This past Saturday, I was asked to hold a custom class for some wonderful ladies. The project requested was a metal pin. I had not yet made a metal pin...
This is the design that Fifi came up with and we worked to finesse. The one she made was in brass, while her sweet mother-in-law and I made them in copper. She wanted it to remain rectangular, but wanted the dimension.
When we were finished, and I was showing mine to the class I had later in the afternoon, they wanted to learn how to make one as well... so, we will be adding this to the list of classes, and hope to get it onto the February calendar.
Let us know your thoughts...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Connie is doing well

This is to let you know that Connie (Mom) was diagnosed with a metastasis of her breast cancer on the Monday after Christmas. After a number of tests, it was determined that it is the same cancer she had 10 years ago, but it has appeared in the form of nodules under the surface of her skin.
She has started a regimen of chemo. Her treatments are on Friday mornings and there are 3 in a row, then a week off, then another 3. Between each set of 3 the oncologist (Dr. D!) will evaluate to see if the chemo is doing what it is designed to do.
Terri has been the designated escort to the majority of Mom's medical appointments. The two of them have Dr. D on tape saying that this chemo would be easier on her than the one she had 10 years ago.
This photo was taken of Mom the day before her second chemo treatment. Terri has a photo of her in the infusion room, and again that evening at a concert at church. But, I am a little unsure of how to copy photos from the web to the blog, so I'll just ask her to email them to me to post.
Yes, I did say that Mom was at a concert at church the evening after chemo! She actually went into work for a couple of hours after chemo, then home to rest a bit, then after dinner, she went with Terri to Bryan Murdaugh's concert at St. Andrew's. (Bryan is a good friend of Connie's granddaughter Karen.)
On Saturday, she came down to work for about an hour to see a few of her favorite customers for a bit, took some paperwork home, rested and was able to go out to our favorite pizza place (NY Pizza in Anderson) for dinner. On Sunday... she was able to go to church in the morning! Dr. D. was right! YAY!!!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Have we got tickets for you!!!

Just around the corner there are two (YES - TWO) rubber stamp 'conventions'.
We have tickets for BOTH!

The first is the Heirloom Lawrenceville Rubber Stamp & Paper Arts Festival at the Gwinnett County Fair in Lawrenceville, GA. That one is the weekend of February 6 & 7, 2010. The cost for that one is $6 in advance (good for both days) with admission at the door being $8 on Saturday and $6 on Sunday. For more information you can go to

The second show is the Stamp Scrap Art Tour at the Jamil Temple Hall in Columbia, SC the weekend of February 13 & 14, 2010. That one costs $5 in advance, $6 at the door. You can go to for more information.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cindy's MMX Bracelet

Here are 2 versions of the new bracelet.
It is a delicate, fun and easy project.
(I promised Cecelia that I would post this photo today for Vicki to see... )

An update on Mom (Connie)

The PET results are in ...Mom's cancer is only showing under the skin..appointment Monday to start chemo treatment!!! Yipee Yipee.
Thank you for all the prayers....=D

Monday, January 4, 2010

Our January 2010 Class Scedule

Class Schedule for January 2010

Classes listed are regular evening and weekend scheduled classes.

Call now to reserve a space - Class spaces are limited - Check store for class descriptions

** Please note that a few classes start at a different time than normal.**

Saturday – Jan. 16 – ** 9:00 – 11:00 AM – Cindy’s New Bracelet – Cindy - $18.00 – NEW (yet to be named…)

3:00 – 5:00 PM – Birthday Card Mania – Terri - $10 + supplies used – NEW

Tuesday – Jan. 19 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM – Birthday Card Mania – Terri - $10 + supplies used – NEW

Thursday – Jan. 21 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM – Crafting A-La-Carte - * price varies Have a class you’d like to take? Reserve this time.

Saturday – Jan. 23 – ** 9:00 – 11:00 AM – Greeting Card Organizer – Terri - $20 – NEW

3:00 – 5:00 PM – 3-Bead Netted Bracelet – Cindy - $18

Tuesday – Jan. 26 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM – Crafting A-La-Carte - * price varies Have a class you’d like to take? Reserve this time.

Thursday – Jan. 28 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM – Stamp of the Month Cards (Dec. Cooking Border) – Terri - $18 Students need to have the stamp for this class.

***Price of classes includes all supplies, unless otherwise noted. When needed, written instructions are also included. All instructions written by the staff at The Mercantile are copyrighted – all rights reserved.

*** Check our web site for class descriptions. When a Crafting A-La-Carte has been reserved, we are making every effort to post the chosen topic on the calendar listing of the web site.

*Crafting A-La-Carte: Students can pick the time they would like to take the class and the topic.

Tuesdays or Thursdays daytime for 1 – 4 students

9:00 – 11:00AM or 2:00 – 4:00PM

Also available a series of Tuesday or Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00, for 1 – 6 students. Check calendar for dates.

Classes available include beading, stamping and paper crafting classes.

Check store for our listing of over 200 classes.

Prices vary depending on the class (starting at $18 – all supplies included unless

otherwise noted).

24 hour advanced notice required.

The first person to reserve a date/time picks the topic. (Some dates have already been


Great party idea! Unique gift idea!

The Mercantile, Inc. – 149 E. Queen Street, Pendleton, SC 29670 (864) 646-9431,